• 4 сентября 2013, среда
  • Москва, ул. Кузнецкий мост 21, Старбакс кафе

Incredible English (English Speaking Club)

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Другие события организатора

Incredible English (English Speaking Club)
4127 дней назад
4 сентября 2013 c 19:30 до 22:00
ул. Кузнецкий мост 21, Старбакс кафе

This event is for people who would like to improve their level of English and get acquainted with lively, open-minded people interested in self-development. We organize English meetings in relaxed, vivid atmosphere in form of • speed–meeting, • ice-breakers, • role-playing and board games.

This time we will have opportuity to experience new fascinting cooperative party board game "Timeline" where you will have opprtunity to practise spoken English in team and grow your intelligance. Nevertheless speed-meeting part of the event stays to be major driver of language improvements and acquaintances enlargement (for both studies and friendship).

Incredible English meeting is for people who would like to improve their level of English and get acquainted with lively, open-minded people interested in self-development. We organize English meetings in relaxed, vivid atmosphere in form of: 
• speed–meeting,
• ice-breakers, 
• role-playing and board games.

Speed-meeting – participants split into pairs and discuss topic offered by the host for around 7 minutes. When time is out new pairs are formed and you are able to discuss new topic with new partner. All in all during 1- 1,5 hour you have opportunity to practise spoken English with bunch of people combining learning of language and making acquaintances with new people.

You are invited to join our meeting if you have level of English enough to take part into discussion on various topics.

Participation fee – 100 RUB.
No fee for foreigners out of CIS region.

Mob: +7 967 04 2011 4 — Konstantin

P.S. Incredible English meetings are arranged since 2010 in Aloha-club and have collected best experience of easy, joyful and effective ways of learning English.


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